Saturday, November 28, 2009


Brian has been diagnosed with Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease.   He has had almost all activity restricted and will have to be in a wheelchair for a while.  He is in an adult one now while we are on the hunt for a pediatric chair.    This morning he seems to be more accepting of what is happening to him and  that he NEEDS to stay in the chair or on the couch or in bed.   I made a bag for the back so he can holster his Nerf gun and hold little things.  My folks are sending my Grandfather's wheelchair gloves that he used.  I teased him I was going to cover him with bags and blankets and the like and he can try and sell my stuff for me while at school.  He was not amused. :)

 Today we are going to try and forget about it a bit and go get our tree and start decorating the house.  We have friends coming over for dinner and all the kids can play and do some crafts.   Thanks for all the kind words and thoughts for him and our family.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

We're off to C.H.O.P.S.

Brian is getting a cat scan and an MRi to find out about this leg business.  I hope they have an answer by the end of business today.  I hate having medical issues around the holidays, as things get shuffled or pushed back and you have to wait and wait for  answers.  Wish us well, and yes mom and sis, I will call you when I know anything.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Today was about family.

Today we woke around 7 . After a little coffee and lounging in bed talking with the kids we all took our posts and got ready for our adventure to the Camden Aquarium.  The kids both landed on the couch watching Phineus & Pherb .Brody in the kitchen packing the cooler and tackling breakfast duty .  I was on clean clothes & clean kid  duty while laying down the rules for the day.   When everything was packed we headed out to the alley to play hopscotch and toss a football.  We knew the kids wouldn't make the car ride without driving us insane if they didn't get some 'scream your head off get your crazies out' time before picking up Nana and heading out.

The kids were great on the ride. they played games for a while and then we continued our journey through
Captain Underpants and the Big, Bad Battle of the Bionic Booger Boy Part 1.  
Cute book. 

We ate our lunch on the harbor before we went in and talked about the hippos. It was very exciting.  

These crabs were huge .  Japenese giant Spider Crabs

They really did a nice job on the renovations and new exhibits, It was really nice.   I must admit I gave a sigh of relief  though  when  the kids only wanted a crushed penny souvenir rather then something from the gift shop.  It was expensive.


It was great.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

In the spirit of Craft Fail....

 I started this along time ago  with the intention of it being  a rug ,  it became a basket.  Brian has claimed it as Pit on Sarlacc.  I'm not quite sure if this is good or bad.   i must admit it reminds me of those little striped hens we had on the farm.   I'm going to work on these a bit more and get rid of some scraps.   What has been your recent craft fail?


Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Hammered flower printmaking.

This was fun. Kiaya and I gathered up a basket and headed back to the train tracks and collected all the things we could find, which after a flood is rough We settled on geraniums and a fern.

We layed out the flowers on our canvas covered them with paper towels and hammered the hell out of them. all of it was cool to kaiya and she LOVE ,LOVE, LOVED the hammer until Peppa pig came on . They turned out rather nice.
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Experimenting with block printing.

I finally ventured into the world of block printing.  My parents sent me the supplies they had on hand  at the shop  for my birthday.  Thanks guys.

I have so many other projects that are in the planning stages or progressing that there was no way I can start anything new.   I've been pluggin away at Christmas gifts and   the ever accumulating pile of mend ,refashion or dump and making good progress. I decided today was the day.

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Friday, November 13, 2009

Did you wake up to this too?

This picture is facing  towards the south end of the island.    It flooded last night  as well, but this morning water was the highest since 1994, and was higher by a foot than last night's.   Being new to the south end, it was a little scary not knowing when the water would stop.  Last night I pulled the honda up into the yard and moved it out back after the water receded becase our house is the highest point  on the alley.  

Directly out front about 7:00

again towards the south end on the alley.

  so as you can see we  are our own private island today.  School was to be two hours delayed but it's been cancelled.  Brody too, is unable to go to work at least until the water receeds  A national guard truck just passed our house coming from Sea Isle so I imagine downtown got some serious flooding.  So for me and the kiddos it's crafts and sewing and snuggling under the movie blanket I finish the other day.   
We are all going to put on our boots after breakfast and walk around a bit  so have a great day, we are.

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Friday, November 6, 2009

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Kaiya's quilt and fuzzy blanket.

The Quilt and sham were a gift from my neighbor for Kaiya. They are both hand sewn and lovely.

 My sister sent me the flannel barbie motif which I added  to a very warm fleece blanket we picked up at a rummage sale.  I practiced my stippling and  hand sewn binding on it and am quite happy with it. Kaiya loves it and it will keep her toasty warm on the couch or snuggly in her bed.

Repurposed uggs.

I have had this pair of uggs for almost 7 years. I got a new pair last winter in black and couldn't bear to throw the old ones away. They have been sitting in my closet since last year. I decided while I was ill and my feet were cold to turn them into slippers. I cut them down and I used a toad stool fabric and made a binding and hand sew them with a curved canvas needle. Old becomes new and loved again.

Have a great day!

Halloween and the like.

 Flu like symptoms finally got all of us.  I think all the rainy saturdays spent watching "peanut" football and all the halloween festivities got to us.  I have been running on empty trying to get everything together for the shower, for football and for Brian's parties plus all the parades just before and on Halloween. We had too may obligations. 

Sitting here the other day I realized that Halloween has become the new Christmas.  After years of feeling the pressure to perform around Christmas time, Brody and I realized we spent more time being worried or miserable to actually enjoy the holidays, especially with our families.  We decided to downsize.  We instituted
the " make it or Bake it rule", with a couple store bought  items for the kids; we also did family craft night everynight.  We let go of the expectiaons of others and our own unrealistitc expectaions of ourselves and just enjoyed the season and each other.

We still see families and friends and enjoy the parade, but somehow we were able to make it work.  I created a craft calendar for the kids and myself with a craft a -day that we followed and had fun still making sure that everyone got a gift made with love.

Chatterbox float in the Halloween Parade

Peanuts football players in the halloween parade.

It seems that Halloween has taken on the unhappy feelings and stress that Christmas used to for us.  Next year is going to be different.  Until then here are some photos of all of our Halloween fun.

Costume #1

Costume #2 and skeleton scary pants.

Broday trying to keep them from messing with each other.

 getting the loot.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

I'm sick.

Today I am going to sit under an old damaged quilt and hand sew repairs while sitting with the princess watching fee tee ( t.v)

Have a great day.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Finished baby quilt and other goodies.

baby shower hats for both.

So I have finally given the baby quilt to Jess and Tommy and baby  "Starts with a C and ends  in an A" ( they aren't saying until she's born) So I can finally show it online.  I am very happy with it and even learned how to hand sew binding.  It was a beautiful shower with old friends and new people , and the loot, they are set for a little while.   whooo hoo!!!!  Congrats to them!

Reversible bib, two diaper cases and an appliqued onsie.

reverse of baby bib. I applied vinyl to this side and quilted it

 blanket stitch detail

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